Joseph Balkoski’s St-Lô
St. Lô marks the return of a true wargaming classic by Joseph Balkoski brought up to date with improved rules and art! Now live on Kickstarter, from Compass Games.

First Look: Across the Bug River, 1941
Armchair Dragoons provides this sneak peek of Across the Bug River, 1941 by Yuca Simulations. This game covers the fighting during the first days of Operation Barbarossa in the Volodymyr-Volynskyi region. It uses the same game mechanics as Crossing the Line.

First Look: The Deadly Woods, The Battle of the Bulge
Armchair Dragoons provides this sneak peek of The Deadly Woods: The Battle of the Bulge by Revolution Games. Award-winning designer, Ted S. Raicer, has taken a modified version of the chit pull system pioneered in GMT's The Dark Valley: The East Front 1941-45 and brought it west for an exciting new take on this classic wargame subject.

Napoleon’s Imperium, 1798-1815
Gilbert Collins discusses this strategic Napoleonic game by Andrew Roland whose 'game history' is as fascinating as the game itself. Gilbert also provides an overview of the game and all the components.

Brief Border Wars
War and Peace provides this after action report covering The Football War: The Battle of Nacaome included in Brief Border Wars, published by Compass Games. The conflict that goes by the elusive name of "Football War" was one of the shortest war in history—it lasted only four days, yet the human toll was high.

SDHistCon After Hours Show
Let's catch one of the After Hour episodes held during SDHistCon 2021 with hosts Maurice Fitzgerald and event organizer, Harold Bunchanan. This episode features guest appearances featuring Gene Billingsley of GMT Games, along with Roger Miller and Richard Handewith of Revolution Games.

Counter Clipping Stream: The Importance of Graphics in Games
Gary Mengle, host of Ardwulf's Lair, discusses the importance of graphics in games, starting with the impact of game box design – can it hurt or help a game sell? Many games and the relative merit of their component artwork are discussed.

Undaunted Reinforcements Game Demonstration
The Boardgame Chronicle provides this recap of the Undaunted Reinforcements demo session held at SDHistCon 2021 by David Thompson. This will be the third installment in the Undaunted games series from Osprey Games.

Beyond Waterloo 2: Revised and Expanded Reprint
Against the Odds Magazine offers this revised, expanded edition of Beyond Waterloo, a magazine-with-game that first appeared as the Against the Odds 2011 Annual (winning the CSR Awards for Best Magazine Game. Now you can pledge to get the updated game!
SDHistCon 2021 Hits a Home Run
Coming on the heels of SDHistCon 2021, congratulations to event organizer, Harold Buchanan, and crew who put on a great virtual event. The event surpassed 350 attendees from all over the world, and from all counts, everyone had a fantastic time participating in the online venue. As we mentioned in our previous issue, virtual conferences are here to stay and SDHistCon 2021 is helping set the momentum for future events, such as Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention (18-20 June) and Connections 2021 (21-25 June). That's right, two more virtual conferences coming in less than one month!
We've spotlighted in this issue one of the Counter Clipping shows hosted by Gary Mengle of Ardwulf's Lair. Gary does a great job conversing with others and makes viewers feel right at home while discussing interesting hobby-related topics. Be sure to check out his show that is featured in this issue. There is a lot of great video content coming out today, so please check our new CSW Live! Weekly Show Guide where you can track what's coming from the top content contributors out there.
In closing, we hope you enjoy the articles we have curated for this issue. For all the news, visit us at where we have posted more than 200 news items for this month alone.
John Kranz